Detox and Holistic Services

Mud Detox

Premier Medi-Body detoxing is a system that draws out deeply embedded toxins from interference sites in the body.  It quickly eliminates buildup of these hidden toxins that are causing sickness, pain, disease or discomfort in the body.

Example:  Whiplash from a car accident may be the root cause of a thyroid issue.  An interference site usually will reflect close to an area of trauma, causing sickness to an organ near the site.

What are Interference sites?
A key factor overlooked in literally every disease or sickness is hidden deep-seated toxicity in the ground substance of the body causing interference sites.  The interference fields include any area where the skin has been cut or pierced. This includes C-sections, episiotomy, any operation, vaccination, allergy testing, ear or body piercings, tattoos, and dental surgeries. Other areas to detox may include injuries from a fall or accident, such as a broken bone, whiplash from a car accident, a burn, sprain, radiation, and surgically-added metal objects.  These interference sites prevent normal nerve and energy flow, making it a toxic dump area where toxins build up around the site.  It seems logically that when we injury an area, even as a child, that area becomes weaker over time if we do not remove the toxins.

Mud Detox

Premier Medi-Body detoxing is a system that draws out deeply embedded toxins from interference sites in the body.  It quickly eliminates buildup of these hidden toxins that are causing sickness, pain, disease or discomfort in the body.

Example:  Whiplash from a car accident may be the root cause of a thyroid issue.  An interference site usually will reflect close to an area of trauma, causing sickness to an organ near the site.

What are Interference sites?
A key factor overlooked in literally every disease or sickness is hidden deep-seated toxicity in the ground substance of the body causing interference sites.  The interference fields include any area where the skin has been cut or pierced. This includes C-sections, episiotomy, any operation, vaccination, allergy testing, ear or body piercings, tattoos, and dental surgeries. Other areas to detox may include injuries from a fall or accident, such as a broken bone, whiplash from a car accident, a burn, sprain, radiation, and surgically-added metal objects.  These interference sites prevent normal nerve and energy flow, making it a toxic dump area where toxins build up around the site.  It seems logically that when we injury an area, even as a child, that area becomes weaker over time if we do not remove the toxins.

Ear Candling

Chinese Ear Candling is a safe, effective, and painless procedure used to remove earwax, pollen, sinus congestion, ringing of the ears, ear infection, headaches, migraines, and hearing problems. The movement of smoke through the delicate ear canal may also obtain pressure relief.

What To Expect During An Ear Candling Session:
Your therapist will instruct you to lie on your Side with your body using a straight alignment. They will then massage a special oil containing garlic and natural herbs into the ear. The therapist will gently insert a hollow linen candle into the ear canal, lighting the opposite end. We use only the highest quality beeswax candles, typically nine to twelve inches long. The candle creates a vacuum that draws built-up earwax and fungus into the bottom part of the candle. After extinguishing the candle, the therapist will cut open the remnant and show you the contents. Most people cannot believe the remaining contents extracted from the ear canal. If you have a hearing loss, you may feel a little heat during your session. Many people have reported an improvement in their hearing after just one session. The entire process takes 30 to 40 minutes. Ear candling can be repeated every 48 hours, and healthy ear maintenance with 3 to 4 yearly visits.

Ear Candling

Chinese Ear Candling is a safe, effective, and painless procedure used to remove earwax, pollen, sinus congestion, ringing of the ears, ear infection, headaches, migraines, and hearing problems. The movement of smoke through the delicate ear canal may also obtain pressure relief.

What To Expect During An Ear Candling Session:
Your therapist will instruct you to lie on your Side with your body using a straight alignment. They will then massage a special oil containing garlic and natural herbs into the ear. The therapist will gently insert a hollow linen candle into the ear canal, lighting the opposite end. We use only the highest quality beeswax candles, typically nine to twelve inches long. The candle creates a vacuum that draws built-up earwax and fungus into the bottom part of the candle. After extinguishing the candle, the therapist will cut open the remnant and show you the contents. Most people cannot believe the remaining contents extracted from the ear canal. If you have a hearing loss, you may feel a little heat during your session. Many people have reported an improvement in their hearing after just one session. The entire process takes 30 to 40 minutes. Ear candling can be repeated every 48 hours, and healthy ear maintenance with 3 to 4 yearly visits.

Energy Work

"Light up Your Life," Energy Work and Reiki by Lisa Torbert


Most of us believe that there is an intricate connection between the mind, body, spirit, emotion, and the healing of physical illness. Healing is intensely personal, but my experience with incorporating these triumphant four has empowered me to become stronger and healthier as I live with Lyme disease. My journey has been a marriage of science, involving both modern medicine and ancient holistic practices. I recently became a Reiki Master, and this process has advanced me to a deeper level of inner growth. I perform self Reiki during my morning meditation and right before going to sleep. It has given me time to reflect on my life and strengthen my inner core. This journey has put me on a new path to wellness, where I am learning to unpack my bags and unload my unwanted negativity and fears. I have wandered through despair, depression and lived at the bottom of the valley throughout my life. Reiki has helped me climb a little higher to put these things behind me and reach higher ground. I can breathe here, relax and be more joyful, which has led me to better health along the way. We all want to reach the peak; however, the journey is in the climb, where we constantly strive for our highest mountain. You know what they say, when we reach the top, everything is downhill from there. So maybe Reiki has added that extra component, pushed me over the edge, and most of the hard work I have invested is complete, meaning my life will be a little easier now.

Reiki is a Japanese technique known for helping promote healing and reduce stress. Reiki technicians will administer the technique by either laying hands on the body or hovering over it in specific areas known as chakras. These areas are life force energy centers that flow through our bodies. If our energy areas are low, we are more likely to get sick or stay sick. A Reiki treatment is very relaxing and treats the whole person, including body, mind, spirit, and emotions. Reiki is a safe and straightforward method of healing that can be used on everyone, every age, with or without medications, in sickness or health. Energy work can be described as dramatic shifts in healing happening and being recognized. We are a latticework of energies; these energies shape how we feel, think, and live. Energy therapists combine acquired knowledge and intuitive understanding of body energies in various modalities.

Working with energy is a gifted skill that may seem out of the ordinary, but it is science-minded with a history dating back to the beginning of man. It works with the body's dynamic electromagnetic field to rid it of dis-harmony or stagnant patterns and bring the energies back into proper balance. Energy therapists have different skills and techniques for sensing this force ranging from the gift of seeing, hearing, or feeling energy. Energy work helps to facilitate healing and re-aligns the energies of the body. Some modalities work within the client's aura, using very minimal body contact, yet having a powerful effect on the individual. Sensations may include warmth, tingling, lightning up feeling, and intense relaxation. Energy therapies include, but are not limited to, Reiki, Polarity, Chakra balancing, and Therapeutic Touch.


Energy Work

"Light up Your Life," Energy Work and Reiki by Lisa Torbert


Most of us believe that there is an intricate connection between the mind, body, spirit, emotion, and the healing of physical illness. Healing is intensely personal, but my experience with incorporating these triumphant four has empowered me to become stronger and healthier as I live with Lyme disease. My journey has been a marriage of science, involving both modern medicine and ancient holistic practices. I recently became a Reiki Master, and this process has advanced me to a deeper level of inner growth. I perform self Reiki during my morning meditation and right before going to sleep. It has given me time to reflect on my life and strengthen my inner core. This journey has put me on a new path to wellness, where I am learning to unpack my bags and unload my unwanted negativity and fears. I have wandered through despair, depression and lived at the bottom of the valley throughout my life. Reiki has helped me climb a little higher to put these things behind me and reach higher ground. I can breathe here, relax and be more joyful, which has led me to better health along the way. We all want to reach the peak; however, the journey is in the climb, where we constantly strive for our highest mountain. You know what they say, when we reach the top, everything is downhill from there. So maybe Reiki has added that extra component, pushed me over the edge, and most of the hard work I have invested is complete, meaning my life will be a little easier now.

Reiki is a Japanese technique known for helping promote healing and reduce stress. Reiki technicians will administer the technique by either laying hands on the body or hovering over it in specific areas known as chakras. These areas are life force energy centers that flow through our bodies. If our energy areas are low, we are more likely to get sick or stay sick. A Reiki treatment is very relaxing and treats the whole person, including body, mind, spirit, and emotions. Reiki is a safe and straightforward method of healing that can be used on everyone, every age, with or without medications, in sickness or health. Energy work can be described as dramatic shifts in healing happening and being recognized. We are a latticework of energies; these energies shape how we feel, think, and live. Energy therapists combine acquired knowledge and intuitive understanding of body energies in various modalities.

Working with energy is a gifted skill that may seem out of the ordinary, but it is science-minded with a history dating back to the beginning of man. It works with the body's dynamic electromagnetic field to rid it of dis-harmony or stagnant patterns and bring the energies back into proper balance. Energy therapists have different skills and techniques for sensing this force ranging from the gift of seeing, hearing, or feeling energy. Energy work helps to facilitate healing and re-aligns the energies of the body. Some modalities work within the client's aura, using very minimal body contact, yet having a powerful effect on the individual. Sensations may include warmth, tingling, lightning up feeling, and intense relaxation. Energy therapies include, but are not limited to, Reiki, Polarity, Chakra balancing, and Therapeutic Touch.



Reflexology is a science-based principle that identifies reflex areas in the feet and hands, which correspond to all the body's systems, including glands and organs. Reflexology is a unique soothing treatment completed by the therapist using pressure points on the foot reflex areas.
  • Relieves stress and tension
  • Improves blood supply
  • Promotes the unblocking of energy in the feet
  • Helps your body achieve balance and harmony

Reflex-OIL-ogy with Lisa Johnson

Lisa Johnson has just been certified in Reflex-OIL-ogy!This treatment consists of a one-hour session where various Lisa massages Youngs Living Oils into both feet and hands.She uses pressure on reflexology points that radiate energy impulses throughout the body.You remain fully clothed and can relax and enjoy the energy healing session.



I have a spinal cord injury and have numbness and decreased mobility in my legs and feet.During the session, I experienced "goosebumps" or surges of energy racing through my legs when Lisa used a combination of the oils and reflex points on both of my feet.This treatment is the first time I have ever felt any movement from any therapy from my nerve damage.


Lisa Torbert


Reflexology is a science-based principle that identifies reflex areas in the feet and hands, which correspond to all the body's systems, including glands and organs. Reflexology is a unique soothing treatment completed by the therapist using pressure points on the foot reflex areas.
  • Relieves stress and tension
  • Improves blood supply
  • Promotes the unblocking of energy in the feet
  • Helps your body achieve balance and harmony

Reflex-OIL-ogy with Lisa Johnson

Lisa Johnson has just been certified in Reflex-OIL-ogy!This treatment consists of a one-hour session where various Lisa massages Youngs Living Oils into both feet and hands.She uses pressure on reflexology points that radiate energy impulses throughout the body.You remain fully clothed and can relax and enjoy the energy healing session.



I have a spinal cord injury and have numbness and decreased mobility in my legs and feet.During the session, I experienced "goosebumps" or surges of energy racing through my legs when Lisa used a combination of the oils and reflex points on both of my feet.This treatment is the first time I have ever felt any movement from any therapy from my nerve damage.


Lisa Torbert

Ionic Foot Detox

The Ionic Detox Footbath can assist with: headache & pain relief, joint stiffness, improved sleep patterns, removing heavy metals, menstrual pain, Arthritis pain, and boosting the immune system as well as improving kidney and liver functions.

While immersing your feet in the water, the machine emits positive and negative ions, re-energizing the body. This type of machine is described as a Detox machine because the response of a re-balanced body is to excrete any excess toxins via the kidneys, liver, bowels, and skin not only DURING but also AFTER treatment. Therefore you will experience the beneficial effects of a Detox experience.

The entire process takes 30-40 minutes for adults and is entirely safe. However, the Ionic Foot Detox is not recommended for pregnant women, anyone with a heart pacemaker, or an organ transplant.

What can the Ionic Detox Footbath do for me?

Detox footbaths have been reported to assist in the following areas

·Enhancing the immune system

·Assist in recovery time from injuries and surgery

·Can relieve pain and joint stiffness due to arthritis

·Improves sleep pattern

·Remove heavy metals

·Removes blood clot material

·Improve liver and kidney function


There are very few studies found on Ionic Foot Detox (IFD). Dr. Bob Moroney, the founder of A Major Difference (AMD), conducted the following studies to identify the contents in the water from an IFD.

A study by Moroney (2002) revealed "the presence of urea, glucose, and creatinine molecules in the bathwater after the ionic Spa was used, probably reflecting osmotic diffusion through the skin by co-transporters coupling the transport of cations (Na +or H+) or substrates (sugars, amino acids, and ions). He stated that no severe adverse reactions were observed from the clinical perspective. During the procedure, some patients experienced paresthesias, which rapidly faded out. Although the sample size was small, the findings support the presence of non-ionic plasmatic molecules, probably crossing the biological membranes and presumably extracting ionized toxic waste."

The study found increased toxic metals in the foot spa water compared to the water used before the session. This study confirmed a reduction in toxic metals removed from the body by using the Ionic Foot Detox system, as evidenced by the testing of the water.

Dr. Mononey, B. (2002). Ionic Foot Detox Case Studies: Is This For Real? Health and MED.

Ionic Foot Detox

The Ionic Detox Footbath can assist with: headache & pain relief, joint stiffness, improved sleep patterns, removing heavy metals, menstrual pain, Arthritis pain, and boosting the immune system as well as improving kidney and liver functions.

While immersing your feet in the water, the machine emits positive and negative ions, re-energizing the body. This type of machine is described as a Detox machine because the response of a re-balanced body is to excrete any excess toxins via the kidneys, liver, bowels, and skin not only DURING but also AFTER treatment. Therefore you will experience the beneficial effects of a Detox experience.

The entire process takes 30-40 minutes for adults and is entirely safe. However, the Ionic Foot Detox is not recommended for pregnant women, anyone with a heart pacemaker, or an organ transplant.

What can the Ionic Detox Footbath do for me?

Detox footbaths have been reported to assist in the following areas

·Enhancing the immune system

·Assist in recovery time from injuries and surgery

·Can relieve pain and joint stiffness due to arthritis

·Improves sleep pattern

·Remove heavy metals

·Removes blood clot material

·Improve liver and kidney function


There are very few studies found on Ionic Foot Detox (IFD). Dr. Bob Moroney, the founder of A Major Difference (AMD), conducted the following studies to identify the contents in the water from an IFD.

A study by Moroney (2002) revealed "the presence of urea, glucose, and creatinine molecules in the bathwater after the ionic Spa was used, probably reflecting osmotic diffusion through the skin by co-transporters coupling the transport of cations (Na +or H+) or substrates (sugars, amino acids, and ions). He stated that no severe adverse reactions were observed from the clinical perspective. During the procedure, some patients experienced paresthesias, which rapidly faded out. Although the sample size was small, the findings support the presence of non-ionic plasmatic molecules, probably crossing the biological membranes and presumably extracting ionized toxic waste."

The study found increased toxic metals in the foot spa water compared to the water used before the session. This study confirmed a reduction in toxic metals removed from the body by using the Ionic Foot Detox system, as evidenced by the testing of the water.

Dr. Mononey, B. (2002). Ionic Foot Detox Case Studies: Is This For Real? Health and MED.


What is Syringomyelia?

Syringomyelia (SM)(Sear-In-Go-My-Eel-Ya) SM, is a chronic disorder of the spinal cord, which consists of the formation of a syrinx (a pocket of cerebral-spinal fluid), sometimes referred to as a cyst or lesion inside the spinal cord cavity. This cavity enlarges over time and causes more damage and deterioration to the nerve centers of the spinal cord because of the pressure from the fluid. As it widens, it compresses and injures nerve fibers that carry information from the brain to the extremities. SM is sometimes progressively degenerative and typically has a slow onset, however, symptoms can rapidly progress due to strain or trauma to the spine, such as a car accident or heavy lifting. It can easily yield very painful neurological symptoms of varying intensities at varying times. This damage results in pain, weakness, muscle stiffness, and numbness in the back, shoulders, arms, or legs. People with syringomyelia experience different combinations of symptoms.

Symptoms may include:
  • Headaches
  • loss of muscle mass
  • loss of ability to use arms, legs and back
  • numbness or decreased feeling in arms, legs and back
  • pain in neck, shoulders, upper arms, and back
  • muscle spasms in back, legs and arms
  • RLS – Restless Leg Syndrome
  • weakness or decreased muscle strength in legs and arms
  • Uncoordinated movement
  • inability to feel extremes of hot or cold
  • Back stiffness
  • Loss of bladder

Is there treatment?

To date, drugs have no curative value, except pain medication to help alleviate pain. Radiation is used rarely, as it also has no curative value, unless a tumor is present. Most surgeons recommend surgery if symptoms are interfering with a person’s quality of life. A syrinx cannot be removed from the spinal cord since it is embedded.

There are several types of surgery depending on what type of syrinx is present. The first type involves placing a shunt, a small tube, inside the syrinx in an attempt to drain it. The statistics show that some people may have temporary relief, some have no relief and some have worse pain. Another problem with this surgery is that it is short-lived, often repeated and not even suitable for some people. The decision to use a shunt requires extensive discussions between the surgeon and patient as it carries the risks of injury to the spinal cord, blockage, infections, and/or hemorrhage. Surgeons usually consider shunts a last resort. Many people actually have tumors on injury sites. If a tumor is causing syringomelia, then the recommended treatment is tumor removal. When the tumor is removed, this almost always eliminates the syrinx.

Some people have trauma-related syringomyelia, where surgery is performed at the initial injury site. This type of surgery is performed outside the spinal cord. Surgeons expand the area around the spinal cord and remove scar tissue. In some cases, surgeons may pierce the syrinx to drain it.

My holistic approach to treatment
Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) Testing

QRA is a testing program that shows the location of your body’s deficiencies based on medically accepted acupuncture meridian points. These points represent different organs. When these organs show a deficiency, we use strong and organic supplements the body needs for healing. Some theories with syringomyelia state the body is in a deep state of infection. We can test directly on the syrinx to find those infections. Your QRA practitioner will ask you to bring in a very small amount of your first-morning urine (before eating, drinking or exercise), so we can check your pH. We will also go over diet and give you a booklet filled with important health information to bring your body back to a healthy state.

Medi-Body Pack Detox System

A key factor overlooked in literally every disease is hidden, deep-seated toxicity in the ground substance of the body (i.e. the external meridians and connective tissue) which prevents normal nerve and chi (energy flow). These embedded toxins can mean years of delayed healing – or none at all. Detoxifying is one of the most important parts to healing. If you have had surgeries, piercing, injections, tattoos, burns, sprains, burns, falls, whiplash, radiation, surgically added metal objects, or dental work of all kinds, Premier Medi-Body Packs will safely detox those areas of trauma. Premier Medi-Body Packs promote cleansing and bio-energetic flow. They contain quantum-state "mud” comprised of unheated volcanic clay, peat magma, Indian shilajit, which initiates a deep intrinsic cleansing effect. When applied externally, these packs draw out deeply embedded toxins from operation sites, injury sites, the colon, interference sites, the organs, sinus areas and more. It quickly eliminates buildup of hidden toxins, helps increase circulation, boosts the immune system, eases muscle tension/pain, and rejuvenates cells.

My Healthy Alternatives to help reduce pain
  1. Take Premier Research Labs Supplements
  2. Eat and juice a large amount of organic fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. They contain natural immune boosters.
  3. Use an Earthwrappe heating pad from Premier Research Labs or Heather’s Holistic Health. These infrared heating pads help release toxicity from the body and definitely helped me personally with a huge decrease in pain. Buy them at [email protected] or
  4. Get a Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) Test completed by a QRA practitioner. Contact Lisa at [email protected] for people who live in Delaware or to find a practitioner near you.

My Journey living with Syringomyelia
By: Lisa Torbert

Life-changing pain

My name Lisa and I have syringomyelia. Like many others, I have had it for quite some time, but I was recently diagnosed on February 8, 2013. I had an MRI the week before and expected to hear that I had a herniated disk. I was shocked to hear that I had syringomyelia, a lesion that only 41,000 other people in the United States have been diagnosed with.The size of my syrinx is 1.6 inches by ½ inch wide. I suffered for the last three years with severe back pain. Syringomyelia brings a new meaning to pain; only those afflicted understand. Most of the pain is constant; meaning you go to bed and wake up with it. Most days, my pain was a ten. Nothing seemed to help and many things irritated it. I used to lay on tennis balls three times a day just to try to get some relief.

Natural approach to recovery

I am the owner of a holistic health center and I have chosen a natural approach to Syringomyelia. My diet consists of mostly fresh fruits and vegetables, a quart of homemade green juice every day, raw nuts and raw bars. Twice a week, I add wild-caught salmon and wild-caught cod for a good source of protein. No alcohol, no cigarettes, no fast foods, and no processed foods. If you are serious about healing, then you HAVE to give up the toxins.

Using my QRA skills to heal

I have trained under a company called Premier Research Labs and became a Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) practitioner in 2009. Once I became ill, I took a deep look at my lifetime of trauma; car accidents, surgeries, and extreme stress-related experiences. I used a detox form and charted all of the accidents, scars from surgeries and vaccination sites from my entire lifetime. I have learned that my syringomyelia is a very deep infection. I decided I needed to pull out all the infection from all the toxic places in my body, including my teeth. If you have a mouth full of mercury or root canals, you will need to see a holistic dentist that can safely remove the toxicity. Our bodies are an incredible healing machine and with a little help boosting the immune system, they can heal from almost anything. Dental problems are more complicated. Unfortunately, once an infection lodges inside the gums it is there to stay until safely removed. Below you will find a toxic DNA report of one of my root canal removals. You will notice there were 15 infections present; five of my infections are a serious risk.


What is Syringomyelia?

Syringomyelia (SM)(Sear-In-Go-My-Eel-Ya) SM, is a chronic disorder of the spinal cord, which consists of the formation of a syrinx (a pocket of cerebral-spinal fluid), sometimes referred to as a cyst or lesion inside the spinal cord cavity. This cavity enlarges over time and causes more damage and deterioration to the nerve centers of the spinal cord because of the pressure from the fluid. As it widens, it compresses and injures nerve fibers that carry information from the brain to the extremities. SM is sometimes progressively degenerative and typically has a slow onset, however, symptoms can rapidly progress due to strain or trauma to the spine, such as a car accident or heavy lifting. It can easily yield very painful neurological symptoms of varying intensities at varying times. This damage results in pain, weakness, muscle stiffness, and numbness in the back, shoulders, arms, or legs. People with syringomyelia experience different combinations of symptoms.

Symptoms may include:
  • Headaches
  • loss of muscle mass
  • loss of ability to use arms, legs and back
  • numbness or decreased feeling in arms, legs and back
  • pain in neck, shoulders, upper arms, and back
  • muscle spasms in back, legs and arms
  • RLS – Restless Leg Syndrome
  • weakness or decreased muscle strength in legs and arms
  • Uncoordinated movement
  • inability to feel extremes of hot or cold
  • Back stiffness
  • Loss of bladder

Is there treatment?

To date, drugs have no curative value, except pain medication to help alleviate pain. Radiation is used rarely, as it also has no curative value, unless a tumor is present. Most surgeons recommend surgery if symptoms are interfering with a person’s quality of life. A syrinx cannot be removed from the spinal cord since it is embedded.

There are several types of surgery depending on what type of syrinx is present. The first type involves placing a shunt, a small tube, inside the syrinx in an attempt to drain it. The statistics show that some people may have temporary relief, some have no relief and some have worse pain. Another problem with this surgery is that it is short-lived, often repeated and not even suitable for some people. The decision to use a shunt requires extensive discussions between the surgeon and patient as it carries the risks of injury to the spinal cord, blockage, infections, and/or hemorrhage. Surgeons usually consider shunts a last resort. Many people actually have tumors on injury sites. If a tumor is causing syringomelia, then the recommended treatment is tumor removal. When the tumor is removed, this almost always eliminates the syrinx.

Some people have trauma-related syringomyelia, where surgery is performed at the initial injury site. This type of surgery is performed outside the spinal cord. Surgeons expand the area around the spinal cord and remove scar tissue. In some cases, surgeons may pierce the syrinx to drain it.

My holistic approach to treatment
Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) Testing

QRA is a testing program that shows the location of your body’s deficiencies based on medically accepted acupuncture meridian points. These points represent different organs. When these organs show a deficiency, we use strong and organic supplements the body needs for healing. Some theories with syringomyelia state the body is in a deep state of infection. We can test directly on the syrinx to find those infections. Your QRA practitioner will ask you to bring in a very small amount of your first-morning urine (before eating, drinking or exercise), so we can check your pH. We will also go over diet and give you a booklet filled with important health information to bring your body back to a healthy state.

Medi-Body Pack Detox System

A key factor overlooked in literally every disease is hidden, deep-seated toxicity in the ground substance of the body (i.e. the external meridians and connective tissue) which prevents normal nerve and chi (energy flow). These embedded toxins can mean years of delayed healing – or none at all. Detoxifying is one of the most important parts to healing. If you have had surgeries, piercing, injections, tattoos, burns, sprains, burns, falls, whiplash, radiation, surgically added metal objects, or dental work of all kinds, Premier Medi-Body Packs will safely detox those areas of trauma. Premier Medi-Body Packs promote cleansing and bio-energetic flow. They contain quantum-state "mud” comprised of unheated volcanic clay, peat magma, Indian shilajit, which initiates a deep intrinsic cleansing effect. When applied externally, these packs draw out deeply embedded toxins from operation sites, injury sites, the colon, interference sites, the organs, sinus areas and more. It quickly eliminates buildup of hidden toxins, helps increase circulation, boosts the immune system, eases muscle tension/pain, and rejuvenates cells.

My Healthy Alternatives to help reduce pain
  1. Take Premier Research Labs Supplements
  2. Eat and juice a large amount of organic fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. They contain natural immune boosters.
  3. Use an Earthwrappe heating pad from Premier Research Labs or Heather’s Holistic Health. These infrared heating pads help release toxicity from the body and definitely helped me personally with a huge decrease in pain. Buy them at [email protected] or
  4. Get a Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) Test completed by a QRA practitioner. Contact Lisa at [email protected] for people who live in Delaware or to find a practitioner near you.

My Journey living with Syringomyelia
By: Lisa Torbert

Life-changing pain

My name Lisa and I have syringomyelia. Like many others, I have had it for quite some time, but I was recently diagnosed on February 8, 2013. I had an MRI the week before and expected to hear that I had a herniated disk. I was shocked to hear that I had syringomyelia, a lesion that only 41,000 other people in the United States have been diagnosed with.The size of my syrinx is 1.6 inches by ½ inch wide. I suffered for the last three years with severe back pain. Syringomyelia brings a new meaning to pain; only those afflicted understand. Most of the pain is constant; meaning you go to bed and wake up with it. Most days, my pain was a ten. Nothing seemed to help and many things irritated it. I used to lay on tennis balls three times a day just to try to get some relief.

Natural approach to recovery

I am the owner of a holistic health center and I have chosen a natural approach to Syringomyelia. My diet consists of mostly fresh fruits and vegetables, a quart of homemade green juice every day, raw nuts and raw bars. Twice a week, I add wild-caught salmon and wild-caught cod for a good source of protein. No alcohol, no cigarettes, no fast foods, and no processed foods. If you are serious about healing, then you HAVE to give up the toxins.

Using my QRA skills to heal

I have trained under a company called Premier Research Labs and became a Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA) practitioner in 2009. Once I became ill, I took a deep look at my lifetime of trauma; car accidents, surgeries, and extreme stress-related experiences. I used a detox form and charted all of the accidents, scars from surgeries and vaccination sites from my entire lifetime. I have learned that my syringomyelia is a very deep infection. I decided I needed to pull out all the infection from all the toxic places in my body, including my teeth. If you have a mouth full of mercury or root canals, you will need to see a holistic dentist that can safely remove the toxicity. Our bodies are an incredible healing machine and with a little help boosting the immune system, they can heal from almost anything. Dental problems are more complicated. Unfortunately, once an infection lodges inside the gums it is there to stay until safely removed. Below you will find a toxic DNA report of one of my root canal removals. You will notice there were 15 infections present; five of my infections are a serious risk.

Sinus Therapy

Relieves pressure and congestion using steam, eucalyptus, 

and gentle massage to help lymph nodes drain sinus cavities.

-Improves drainage of mucus

-Reduces swelling in sinuses

-Relieves pain and pressure

$50 for 60 minutes

Sinus Therapy

Relieves pressure and congestion using steam, eucalyptus, 

and gentle massage to help lymph nodes drain sinus cavities.

-Improves drainage of mucus

-Reduces swelling in sinuses

-Relieves pain and pressure

$50 for 60 minutes

Raindrop Therapy

Raindrop Technique combines the art of aromatherapy with reflexology and massage. Raindrop Technique uses a layering process of 9 different therapeutic grade essential oils applied to the feet and spine. The combination of these oils, and the application of moist warm towels to the spine and back, allow the oils to penetrate your body rapidly and begin their therapeutic process on a cellular level. Raindrop Therapy has been known to increase the immune system, relieve back issues, and create balance and harmony in the body - physically, mentally, and emotionally. Raindrop is a very gentle therapy and offers you the opportunity to relax while improving your overall well-being on all levels ultimately.

Raindrop Therapy

Raindrop Technique combines the art of aromatherapy with reflexology and massage. Raindrop Technique uses a layering process of 9 different therapeutic grade essential oils applied to the feet and spine. The combination of these oils, and the application of moist warm towels to the spine and back, allow the oils to penetrate your body rapidly and begin their therapeutic process on a cellular level. Raindrop Therapy has been known to increase the immune system, relieve back issues, and create balance and harmony in the body - physically, mentally, and emotionally. Raindrop is a very gentle therapy and offers you the opportunity to relax while improving your overall well-being on all levels ultimately.

Intuitive Readings

Psychic/Intuitive Work:
Unlock the power of intuition through a psychic reading. Terri Uses our Clairvoyance (I see), Clairaudience (I hear), Clair Sentience (I feel), Claircognizance (I know), Clairalience (I smell) and Clair Gustance (I taste) abilities to shed light on things that have happened in the past, present and what will be happening in the future.
Tarot/Intuitive Readings by The Medicine Woman

Tarot is customizable and bendable like sculptors clay, every reading tailored to you and your path.Find clarity through a love reading, career reading, or uncover clues to the future in a forecast reading.

30 minutes - $70 

60 minutes - $120 

90 minutes - $170.00 

2 1/2 hours - $240.00

Intuitive Readings

Psychic/Intuitive Work:
Unlock the power of intuition through a psychic reading. Terri Uses our Clairvoyance (I see), Clairaudience (I hear), Clair Sentience (I feel), Claircognizance (I know), Clairalience (I smell) and Clair Gustance (I taste) abilities to shed light on things that have happened in the past, present and what will be happening in the future.
Tarot/Intuitive Readings by The Medicine Woman

Tarot is customizable and bendable like sculptors clay, every reading tailored to you and your path.Find clarity through a love reading, career reading, or uncover clues to the future in a forecast reading.

30 minutes - $70 

60 minutes - $120 

90 minutes - $170.00 

2 1/2 hours - $240.00