Many people wonder what the body wrap therapy is and what it could possibly do for them. Having body wrap therapy can result in activating metabolic processes, eliminating toxins and accumulated fats, increasing muscular and cutaneous flexibility, activating blood and lymphatic micro-circulation. It leaves the body sensation of more buoyancy. The products are from the sea and are rich in amino-acids, trace elements, vitamins and minerals. The Green Algae Therapy Wrap helps with blood micro-circulation, flaccidity, cellulite, obesity, and water retention in the physical aspects. Psychologically it helps with insomnia, agitation, and stress.
The Mud Therapy Wrap has been used for thousands of years for medical and aesthetic treatments. This therapy's restorative action is supplemented by the enormous capacity of mud to produce a natural hyperemia of the skin, dilating the pores, absorbing toxins and generally improving blood and lymphatic micro-circulation. Mud therapy wrap alleviates nervous tension, stress and fatigue.